In the context of engaged international competition, it is necessary to track developments in the field of genomic medicine at international level, to be able to anticipate the necessary adjustments and changes of direction, in the context of the implementation of the plan and to ensure an optimal quality of service to patients, while maintaining the competitiveness of the national players of the developed industrial sector.
This agreement will enable the two parties to develop a normative framework which will ensure that both countries adopt the new technologies appropriately while advancing at an optimal pace;
ICPerMed was launched at workshops organised by the European Commission.
It includes non-profit public and private bodies for funding health research and the setting up of public policies. ICPerMed wants to contribute to the implementation of personalised medicine for the benefit of patients, citizens and society as a whole and to facilitate the coordination of research and financing activities, first at European level then at international level. The FPGM 2025 takes part in working groups dedicated to “health economics, regulation and market access” aspects and “data and information and communication technology”;
In which representatives of member States are invited to co-sign a common declaration indicating political support for the pooling of current and future genomic data banks (on a voluntary basis) in order to reach a cohort of 1 million sequenced genomes accessible in the European Union by 2022.