The national centre of data analysis is called DCA for “data collector analyser”. Its role is to process, analyse and use the generated data, in the care pathway or for research.
The DCA will be the infrastructure for collecting, analysing and assisting in the interpretation of genomic data at national level, constituting an unparalleled database in terms of patients treated in France.
This infrastructure will provide an adapted intensive computational power, a range of dedicated IT services, access to multiple knowledge bases and a storage capacity which will gradually reach several tens of petabytes (PB).
The DCA will host accessible data in accordance with existing legislation, via health care and research services.
With the patients’ consent, a continuous data stream (whole genome or exome or transcriptome according to protocols) from platforms of the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025 will feed the DCA database for the purposes of care and research.
Looking forward to 2025, data from 110,000 patients are expected to be available in the DCA per year. The DCA will also ensure the exploitation of data from major national and international genomic medicine research projects.
Once it is set up, it will receive the data from four pilot projects initiated within the framework of the French Plan for Genomic Medicine 2025: MULTIPLI in the area of cancer, DEFIDIAG targeting a category of rare diseases, GLUCOGEN in a common disease (diabetes) and POPGEN in the general population.
The FGM platforms, medical laboratories will rely on the DCA infrastructure to help medical biologists interpret the data from patients.
Clinical indications will be progressively integrated and the DCA services related to patient care will need to be adapted. At the same time, research services will also need to be adapted to meet the technological and scientific advancements of genomic medicine.
Secure access services available at the DCA address:
- In the clinic
- Patient data
- Database for analysis steps
- Analysis tools
- Visualisation tools and genome comparison
- Decision-aiding tools (diagnostic, choice of treatment, etc)
- Data re-analysis
- Secure Web-based service for interaction between health professionals using the DCA
- Version management
- For research
- Portal for the submission of research projects
- Support desk and project design consultancy
- Access to data catalogues and datasets
- Access to software tools libraries
- Access to virtual machines
- Re-analysis for research service
- Web service for interaction of DCA researchers
- Tracking and methodological advice
- For platforms and health professionals
- For industry
The DCA is a common structure supported by INSERM, the CEA, INRIA, and the CINES.
An overall definition of the tool, an analysis of the functional needs of future users and a prefiguration study were carried out.